Refers to the degree to which a reflectivesheeting reflects light.
Candela (CD)
The international system (SI) unit of luninous intensity. It is approximately the luminous intensity of a candle flame.
Coefficient of retroflection
Quotient of the coefficient of luminous intensity (R) of a plane retroreflecting surface to its area expressed in candela per lux per square metre (dc/lx/m2) R = R/A
Cube corner reflection
Is the use of cube corner elements to reflect light. Cube corner elements are built into retroreflective sheeting.
Entrance angle
Is the angle formed between a light beam striking a surface at some point and a line perpendicular to the surface at the same point.
Same as Cube Corner Reflection
Pantone matching system (PMS)
Is an international printing color language providing an accurate method for the selection of color.
Is a term used to describe the amount of light reflected from a retroreflective surface or material. This light is measured in lux per square meter.Retroreflectance at specified entrance angles and observation angles are an important part of specifications.
Same of retroreflectance